среда, 9 мая 2018 г.


Victory Day symbols in Russia

On May 9, a national holiday is celebrated in Russia – Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in which the Soviet people fought for the freedom and independence of their Motherland against fascist Germany and its allies. The Great Patriotic War was the most important and decisive part of the Second World War of 1939-1945. Enjoy Russian students who take a language course these days usually attend the Parade in Petrozavodsk and join the celebration.

St. George’s ribbon and parades

Картинки по запросу лента cdznjuj utjhubz
Since that time, the parades are held annually. On Victory Day there are meetings of veterans, solemn events and concerts. People lay flowers on memorials of military glory, memorials, and mass graves and honor those who had sacrificed with their lives. To say more, since 2005, the patriotic move “St. George’s ribbon” has been held with the goal of restoring and imparting the value of the holiday to the younger generation. On the eve of the Victory Day celebration, everyone can tie a St. George ribbon on the hand, bag or antenna of the car as a token of memory of the heroic past of the USSR as a symbol of military valor, victory, military glory and recognition of the merits of the soldiers. Every year traditional events take place in Petrozavodsk on May 9. The celebration of the Victory Day begins on the eve, May 8 at the temple in the name of the holy prophet Elias. Next morning on May 9 there is a solemn ceremony of laying flowers to the Eternal Flame will begin. Moreover, the youth hold the youth march of memory in honor of the soldiers of the Karelian Front, partisans and underground workers of Karelia. In the afternoon on Kirov’s square the concert is organized. At the same time in the floodplain Lososinka unfolds “Garrison Town” – a city project with interactive programs. The holiday always ends up with a festive firework.

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