понедельник, 27 ноября 2017 г.


Idiom quotes from the old Soviet cartoons

Every Russian person knows such cartoons as “Three from Prostokvashino” or “Nu, pogodi”. People watched them so many times and liked them so much that some quotes from these cartoons became idioms that people often use in modern Russian language. Let’s see a few examples:
1. Мужчина в самом расцвете сил! – A man in the prime of his life!
Cartoon “Malish and Karlson” (Малыш и Карлсон) is based on the story “Karlsson on the roof” by Astrid Lindgrens. Russian people love Karlson! He is an example of how people should enjoy their life. The phrase “Мужчина в самом расцвете сил!” can only be used to describe a man (a guy), who is in his perfect age, he is full of energy and very handsome.
2. Свободу попугаям! – Freedom for parrots!
3. А я ещё крестиком вышивать умею – And I even know, how to embroider stitches
When somebody praises you by saying that you can do so many different things, the best way to make a joke out of it is to say “А я ещё крестиком вышивать умею”.
4. Кто ходит в гости по утрам, тот поступает мудро! – The one that makes a visit to people’s places in the morning does the wise thing.
It’s actually a part of the song of the famous Russian Winnie the Pooh. He is singing it in the morning when going to visit the Rabbit with the Piglet. If you are visiting somebody in the morning, a fun thing to say is  “Кто ходит в гости по утрам, тот поступает мудро!”

Have fun while learning Russian! Come to Petrozavodsk “Enjoy Russian” Language School

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