воскресенье, 18 марта 2018 г.

Top 10 Russian  Presidential Elections phrases

You can hear it everywhere in Russia on 18th of March

Today is a very important day in Russia. Yes, we do not talk about politics here in our blog since it is devoted mostly to Russian language, interesting facts about Russia and its people. But it is really impossible to stay indifferent to Russian presidential election we have today. So here is Enjoy Russian School representation of this day – top 10 most common Russian words and phrases of 18 of March! Read and learn or maybe roleplay  Russian elections wherever you are right now:)

  1. Выборы - vybory - The elections
  2. Голосовать за - golosovat' za - to vote for
  3. Бюллетень - Byulleten' - a ballot
  4. Президент – Prezident - President
  5. Избирательный участок –  Izbiratel'nyy uchastok - electoral district
  6. Абсолютное большинство – Absolyutnoye bol'shinstvo - vast majority
  7. Политическая партия – Politicheskaya partiya - political party
  8. Избиратель - Izbiratel' - voter
  9. Явка избирателей – Yavka izbirateley - voting turnout
  10. Итоги голосования – Itogi golosovaniya - voting results
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