пятница, 9 марта 2018 г.


As great Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov wrote in his most famous novel “The Master and Margarita”, “НЕТ ДОКУМЕНТА, НЕТ И ЧЕЛОВЕКА” (No document – no man). He was absolutely right. We can’t go anywhere without taking our documents with us.

What are the most important documents in Russia?

Свидетельство о рождении (Birth certificate)

After a baby is born, its parents receive the birth certificate at a registry office, and it’s considered to be the baby’s official document until it is 14 years old.

Russian Паспорт (Passport)

It’s a suprising fact for many foreigners that Russians don’t have ID cards. We have internal Russian passports instead. The Internal Russian passport is a mandatory identity document for all Russian citizens residing in Russia who are aged 14 or over.

The Internal Russian passport is an Internal passport used for travel and identification purposes within Russia, which is distinct from

the International Russian passport (МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ПАСПОРТ) used by Russian citizens to travel in and out of Russian borders

 When people get married they receive a marriage certificate (СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО О БРАКЕ)

When a person starts working, he/she gets an employment record book (ТРУДОВАЯ КНИЖКА)

An employment record book is an official personal document recording the employment status of its owner over time. Usually, the work record is kept by the human resources department of a person’s current employer until he or she resigns from that company.

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