среда, 23 августа 2017 г.


Why you should not whistle in the house?

“Не свисти – денег не будет!” (Don’t whistle, otherwise you’ll not have any money!) – that’s what Russian people say when somebody is whistling in the house. Russians have lots of superstitions, but the ones that are related to money are the most important to follow;) If you whistle in a Russian house, the hosts won’t be happy, because you are whistling their money away. Outside – no problem, whistle as much as you like, but inside – never!

Where does this superstition come from?

Most of the Russian superstitions take their origin from paganism, believes that there are different gods and spirits of the house and wind, and earth… Speaking the truth, nowadays people don’t remember the reason why they do what they do, they just repeat some daily rituals the same way as their parents or grandparents did.
Speaking about whistling in the house, there are a few opinions of how this superstition has appeared.
  1. Our ancestors believed that whistling is the language of evil spirits and by whistling we are calling them, and inviting them to our houses.
  2. Whistling was a magical way to call the wind, which was used by sailors when the weather was too quite. And you can’t whistle in the house, because the wind will blow everything out, including the money.
  3. Domovoy (house spirit) that usually protects the house doesn’t like whistling, that’s why he might leave the place and the house will stay unprotected and unhappy.
  4. It’s just a bad behavior. Usually mothers don’t allow their children to whistle even outside, because it’s considered to be a bit rude, especially when you are trying to call someone by whistling. Mostly just hooligans and bullies do that.

Which explanation do you like the most?

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